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Rubber Wheels for Damaskeen and Mottling
Rubber Abrasive tools suited for mottling and damascene of stainless steel plates and tanks.
Flap Discs – Jo-Tex Polishing / Cleaning Wheel
Upright Flaps - hugs the work piece. Can be used on edge in corners, angles and rounded edges as well as its face. Suitable for removal of rust, cleaning and blank polishing of Stainless Steel, Steel, Aluminium and Non-Ferrous materials. Cleaning and polishing of welded seams in corners, angles or fillet welds. Removal of any discoloration, oxide layers and thin layers of paint.
Felt Mounted Points / Polishing Bobs
Felt Mounted Points / Polishing Bobs suited for polishing especially small hard to get areas and achieves a good surface finish. Use pumice or cerium oxide for glass or enamel polishing for best results Use polishing compounds for metal & plastic polishing. Ideal for awkward areas Can be used with diamond paste. Best operational speed for best performance 5-10 m/s